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IlLE's Program of Corporate Social Responsibility

On the eve of New year Eve we summarizes the results of the passing year.
Therefore, we want to share with you the results of the activities of the Independent Institute of Legal Expertise in the framework of program of IILE’s social corporate responsibility.
We believe that nowadays the corporate social responsibility (CSR) - a mandatory attribute of any enterprise. Business by becoming part of the lives of the public, is required to maintain the surrounding society .

A lot of accidents have happened in 2013. Summarizing CSR program in 2013, we would like to note the following:

  • Two people were killed and 5 others were injured in suspicious fire in an apartment of building in the Luhansk region. In such a difficult situation when the victims of the tragedy needed help, the team of the Independent Institute of Legal Expertise immediately reacted to this accident. IILE with maximum efficiency organized fundraising for basic necessities, clothing, food for all the victims.
  • On November 21st the collapse of a crowded supermarket “Maxima” in Riga (Latvia) claimed lives of 52 people. The Independent Institute of legal Expertise initiated the establishment assistance fund for victims of the tragedy and their families. Raised funds were used for purchasing of basic necessities and medicines injured by the collapse.
  • In the framework of the social project "International Exchange of Legal Internaship" the Independent Institute of Legal Expertise in collaboration with the European Arbitration Chamber conducted the International Competition on Commercial Arbitration. Main goals that were set in the organization of this educational event were to raise awareness and promote students’ personal development and their practical skills in the field of international commercial law and arbitration, assistance to young professionals in the field of law and jurisprudence in having internship in the best national and international law firms, as well as adaptation of university graduates to work in the selected profile.
  • In order to support children with Down's syndrome Independent Institute of Legal Expertise hosted the auction of paintings at the Ukrainian forum of business-leaders, which was held by the IILE and the European Arbitration Chamber. Funds that were raised from the auction were used for purchase gifts for children: paints, pencils and albums. "We hope that the gifts will be useful for children and drawing will help them to develop their motor skills and memory! Every child has a special right to family love, education and social support! And what is more is child’s right to be happy"- said Gennady Pampukha, Director of the Independent Institute of Legal  Expertise.

We thank everyone who cares about someone's misfortune for the support and contribution.

Let's do good things together!