(044) 581 30 90

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11th Annual international conference «Construction and real estate: expertise and appraisal»

Who should attend: a conference is intended for practicing experts in the area of construction and real estate appraisal, insurance companies, banks, and also for the representatives of state and municipal administration, engaged in the realization of construction projects.

Conference languages: Czech, Russian.

Translation into another languages, is provided on demand on separate conditions.

Keynote of the conference– Сonstruction Expertise - A new stage in development.


Conference program

28 November 2013 – registration, opening, keynote presentations.

29 November 2013 - Symposium and discussions, closing, conference dinner.


Registration fee for 28 of November - 400 €

This rate includes attendance at the conference, documentation, coffee/tea break, lunch, gala reception.

Registration fee for 29 of November - 250 €

This rate includes attendance at the symposium, coffee/tea break, lunch.

Conference dinner 29 of November - 80€

One day trip to Dresden 30 of November – 150€.


Please make payments to the following account. Payment must be in EURO and must be free of transfer charges to the recipient. Details for payment by bank transfer are as follows. All payments must be without VAT.

Account Number  140-01-803399-02 Beneficiary Bank   HELLENIC BANK LTD  IBAN  CY60 0050 0140 0001 4001 8033 9902  SWIFT   HEBACY2N Account name EN EXPERTISE CERTIFICATION & EDUCATION (UK) LTD, Adress Studio G3, Grove Park Studios, 188-192 Sutton Court Road, London, W4 3HR, UK


Cancellations / Substitutions

Cancellations and substitutions must be made in writing. Cancellations made six weeks before the event will be charged at 20% of the invoice total. Cancellations made between six  weeks and four weeks will be charged at 50% of the invoice total. Cancellations made after this period will be charged the full invoice amount. However, you can send a substitute delegate at any time. Bookings received less than a 6 days before the conference date can only be paid by cash. Non-attendance at the event will be considered a late cancellation and the full fee will be payable. It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content and the timing of the programme or the identity of the speakers. In the event that the conference has to be cancelled you will be entitled to a full refund of your delegate fees. The Organizers will not be responsible for the reimbursement of any other costs incurred by potential delegates.

Please Note Normal conference fees cover entrance to all sessions, conference documentation and available papers, coffee/refreshment breaks and lunch.