Environmental expertise
Environmental expertise is an environmental study, analysis and assessment of the results of economic activities that make or can have a negative impact on the environment. Environmental expertise is aimed at preventing the emergence of new ones, limiting or eliminating existing negative sources of impact on the environment and public health.
Environmental expertise should be carried out:
When preparing draft general layouts of settlements and industrial sites, schemes of district planning;
With feasibility studies and calculations, preparation of projects for construction and reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment of enterprises and other facilities that may adversely affect the environment;
Operating enterprises and other objects and complexes that are hazardous to the environment.
specialists provide services for efficient and effective implementation of complex analysis of technologies, materials, equipment, engineering, projects, plans, forecasts and other documentation, and analyze and evaluate the results of planned or existing economic activities that may have a negative impact on the environment.
We will be useful to you in case you need:
To identify possible environmental risks when the enterprise performs its activities;To analyze the compliance of the enterprise with the current legislation on environmental protection and established standards for atmospheric air, surface and groundwater, soil;To establish the degree of influence of the enterprise on atmospheric air, surface and ground water, soil;To detect in soil and surface water, soil, and air samples of pollutants that adversely affect the ecological state of the environment;To analyze the conditions that led to the negative anthropogenic impact of the enterprise on the environment.To analyze the permissive documentation on the degree of pollution of the components of the environment as a result of the activities of industrial and agricultural enterprises
Автор: Институт Судебных Экспертиз - НИСЭ
Ecological expertise in Ukraine