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Valuation expertise

Real estate valuation


Land valuation


Apartment valuation


Cars valuation


Aircrafts valuation



Ships valuation


Expert evaluation- the process of determining the market value of the specified date of valuation expertise. Valuation of property is an essential process for enterprise establishment, reorganization or liquidation, the revaluation of assets, privatization, and in determining the amount of damages. When conducting an independent appraisal expertise is very important to see a real professionals who have extensive experience, relevant legislative framework and a powerful material and technical base.

IILE offers high quality services in the field of property valuation. Our office forensics provides a full range of services for the independent evaluation of the property. Independent experts NYSE conduct following an independent valuation expertise in Ukraine.

- real estate valuation
- land valuation
- apartment valuation
- cars valuation
- aircrafts valuation
- ships valuation

Modern market and democratic reforms in Ukraine and the privatization process led to the creation of many new owners of residential and non-residential buildings and structures, which stimulated the development of real estate market. One of the main conditions of the real estate market expert valuation taking into account all important factors that influence the outcome of an independent valuation expertise. Result of assessment - a real value, which reflects the consumer object properties and market conditions.

Expert evaluation is a very important process, determining the value of the property. Property management is seen as a process of cash management in the development of the project, during construction and during operation with a view to profit and revenue.

You understand the value of the property makes it possible to properly dispose of the property, funds, time to navigate and for putting the available capital, or take out a bank loan secured by real estate to reach inaccessible to the understanding of the material goals.Independent Institute of Legal Expertise IILE was founded in 2007, and more than six years of successful experience in the field of independent property valuation in Kiev and Ukraine.

Building technical expertise and research to evaluate the property can be held in the following cases:

  • In transactions of purchase and sale of real estate;
  • To determine the value of collateral for loans.
  • For insurance, rent.
  • For tax purposes, accounting.
  • In the division of property between co-owners.
  • In determining the amount of material damage to property in case of flooding, fire and other insurance cases.
  • In the other cases.